Click, Connect, Impact, Repeat

Our vision is to create a prosperous and just world where success is defined as the collective happiness and prosperity of the entire human race
Become a beta tester and be the first to join the Impact Movement!
Add or choose an Impactee 1 Choose Service 2 Choose either gift voucher or ration pack 3 If Gift Voucher, Enter Amount 4 If Ration Pack, choose pack size 5 Make Payment 6 Confirm and Get Rewarded 7 7 How this works? In Pakistan, 20% of the population is malnourished which equates to 40 million people who are not getting enough food. Also, nearly 45% of children under 5 years of age are stunted according to the UN World Food Program. GROCERY

Add or choose an Impactee

Add someone who you know is genuinely deserving as an Impactee. You will need to know their name, number and CNIC number. OR, you can choose an impactee from your list of existing impactees.


How This Works

In Pakistan, 20% of the population is malnourished which equates to 40 million people who are not getting enough food. Also, nearly 45% of children under 5 years of age are stunted according to the UN World Food Program.

Add or choose an Impactee
Add someone who you know is genuinely deserving as an Impactee. You will need to know their name, number and CNIC number. OR, you can choose an impactee from your list of existing impactees
Choose Service
Choose either Gift Voucher or Ration Pack.
Choose either gift voucher or ration pack
Choose either gift voucher or ration pack
If Gift Voucher, Enter Amount
With this option, your impactee will have the freedom to choose whatever they need to buy from the grocery store within the amount that you have gifted to them
If Ration Pack, choose the size of the pack
With this option, your impactee will get the ration pack you choose for them. The three sizes are big, medium and small and you can check the details of each pack by clicking on the ‘Details’ button
Make Payment
Choose how you would like to pay. You can pay via a credit or debit card or via Jazz Cash or Easypaisa
Confirm and Get Rewarded
Earn Impact credits for the Impact that you create

Add or choose an Impactee 1 Choose Service 2 Choose Specialist 3 Choose Doctor (Optional) 4 Set Appointment (Optional) 5 Make Payment 6 Confirm and Get Rewarded 7 7 How this works? Pakistan ranks 154th among 195 countries in terms of quality and accessibility of healthcare, according to a Lancet study HEALTH

Add or choose an Impactee

Add someone who you know is genuinely deserving as an Impactee. You will need to know their name, number and CNIC number. OR, you can choose an impactee from your list of existing impactees


How This Works

Pakistan ranks 154th among 195 countries in terms of quality and accessibility of healthcare, according to a Lancet study

Add or choose an Impactee
Add someone who you know is genuinely deserving as an Impactee. You will need to know their name, number and CNIC number. OR, you can choose an impactee from your list of existing impactees
Choose Service
Choose the Health Service Icon.
Choose Specialist
Choose specialist according to the requirement of your Impactee. You can choose a fee plan and finish at this stage. The app will send a list of all the doctors with the chosen specialty who are in the neighborhood of your impactee.
Choose Doctor (Optional)
If you wish, you can choose a specific doctor for your impactee. You can either finish or pay at this stage or you can set up the appointment for your Impactee. If you finish at this stage, your impactee will get a message with the name and phone number of the doctor you have chosen. They can call and set up their appointment themselves.
Set Appointment (Optional)
Choose the date and time in the app to set up an appointment for your Impactee. If this option is not available, then you can call on the given number to set up the appointment and inform the impactee of the appointment details
Make Payment
Choose how you would like to pay. You can pay via a credit or debit card or via Jazz Cash or Easypaisa
Confirm and Get Rewarded
Earn Impact credits for the Impact that you create

Under Construction 1

Under Construction

This module is under construction right now.

Educational Institute

Under Construction
This module is under construction right now.

Send an impact buddy request to a friend 1 Accept private gift requests from your Impact Buddies 2 Accept public gift requests from your Impact Buddies 3 Send gift requests to your impact buddies 4 Appreciate each other in your Impactivity newsfeed 5 How this works? Sometimes, your friends may know some deserving people and you may not. Sometimes, you may know some deserving people and your friends may not. Let your friends identify for you the impactees who need your help and vice versa. Create impact together with the friends you trust! INVITE IMPACT BUDDIES

Send an impact buddy request to a friend

Invite your friends to the app by using their
email addresses or WhatsApp number


How This Works

Sometimes, your friends may know some deserving people and you may not. Sometimes, you may know some deserving people and your friends may not. Let your friends identify for you the impactees who need your help and vice versa. Create impact together with the friends you trust!

Send an impact buddy request to a friend
nvite your friends to the app by using their email addresses or WhatsApp number
Accept private gift requests from your Impact Buddies
Your friend may have added an impactee (someone they know needs help) and created a request on the impactees’ behalf. If they send that request to you privately, you will be able to see it in your requests tab. You may choose to accept, reject or refer the request to someone else.
Accept public gift requests from your Impact Buddies
Your friend may have added an impactee (someone they know needs help) and created a request on the impactees’ behalf. Then they may publicly post that request on their Impactivity feed for all their impact buddies to see. You may choose to accept it or share it on your impactivity feed.
Send gift requests to your impact buddies
You may add an impactee you know needs help even if you are unable to help yourself. Simply refer the request of help to your impact buddies. You can choose to privately send to certain impact buddies or may choose to put it up publicly on your impactivity feed. When an impact buddy accepts your request, you will also earn the impact credits for that request!
Appreciate each other in your Impactivity newsfeed
You can appreciate, comment and share the impact that you and your friends are creating in your impactivity feed.

Why this is important?
  • Build your legacy and measure your success not only by your career, money or qualifications but also by the IMPACT that you create!

  • For every dollar of donation, you will earn an Impact credit which will count towards your ‘Net Impact Worth’

  • See all your impact footprint and history in a single dashboard and keep setting a higher bar for yourself