Choose Impact, Any day, Every day

About Us

Impactors are people who want to make this world better! Impactees are those who need support. Impact suppliers are grocery stores, doctors and schools.

My Impact Meter is a Centralized Platform, Social Media and Impact Services Ecosystem for creating Impact.

The platform connects Impactors to Impact Suppliers from where they can buy food, health services and education services for Impactees of their choice. Impactees can then physically go and avail these services. So that all impact happens in one place, Impactors can also donate to NFPs through the platform. My Impact Meter creates an impact footprint to measure success in terms of impact, so impactors keep setting a higher bar for themselves!

Impactors can invite their friends to become their Impact buddies and multiply their impact with friends!

Our Purpose

We exist to empower and enable people to create a prosperous and just world by unleashing their potential to do good for humanity

Our Vision

A prosperous and just world where success is defined as the collective happiness and prosperity of the entire human race.

Our Mission

We are creating a system in which individuals, communities, organizations and countries are motivated and incentivized to come together and create a prosperous and just world.

Our Values

We never compromise on the truth

We value our integrity. For us, trust is everything....Transparency is our mantra - we say it like it is and we walk the talk See more

We care about enhancing human happiness

We define our success not only by measuring our own ...accomplishments but also by what we have done for others See more

Our legacy is in creating impact

We believe that humanity will prosper not only by more ...economicgrowth, more resources and more inventions but also by the collective prosperity, equality and happiness of all regardless of religion, race, gender, nationality and ethnicity See more

We harness technology to provide convenience, simplicity, motivation and choice in impact

We leverage technology to create an innovative platform to ... motivate, facilitate and empower humanity to create impact. We believe in convenience and choice - to choose the 'who', the 'what', the 'where' and the 'how' of the impact that peoplecreate See more

We develop an ecosystem of individuals, communities, organizations & countries to unleash human potential

We bring individuals, communities, organizations ... and countries to work together to create a prosperous and just world See more